Saturday, December 1, 2012

Harmony Alumni Reunion - Aug 2013

A reunion is being planned for a alumni of the old Harmony schools.  If you attended either of the old schools on Harmony Road, we would love to see you there.

As it stands at the moment, we are looking at one of the weekends in August, 2013 at Ella Osterman Park on Mt. Scott.  It will be a bring your own food, drink and utensils affair.

The theme will be Harmony Hornets, and the organizers  are considering having T-shirts made in the style of the old Harmony Hornet shirts.

Please, we would like to get as much feedback as possible concerning best weekend, attendance and about the T-shits.  Join the Harmony alumni page on Facebook to contact the organizers, and you can answer a couple of small questions about preferences for the above, or if you don't have a Facebook account, you can take the polls to the right and perhaps leave a comment.